

Name : Kasia / Benjamin

Surname : Krasinska / Cohen

Nationality : Polish / French

Activity : Analog black and white photography

Playground : Europe

Prints : Always in our lab and scanned for digital purpose

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Our work was shown in :

Sklad Solny 2016, Krakow - Poland

Taipei Art Photo Show 2014, Taiwan

Daegu Photo Biennale 2014, Korea

Obscura Photography Festival 2014, Malaysia

Tokyo Metropolitain Museum of Photography, Japan
Basically. Forever.
09-24 August 2014

Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts, Japan
Young Portfolio Acquisitions 2009 / 2011 / 2013

Salon de Mai 2011, Paris - France

Studio 22 2010, Krakow -Poland
B-Side Me